Page name: Backwards Outcasts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-03-17 05:05:23
Last author: Ravendust
Owner: wicked fae mage
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Dee, this is where I'm putting together some ideas for our characters' book with a lot of interesting events unfolding throughout their lives when they're together. (I'm begining to notice that they take as many fieldtrips as the kids in Cardcaptors xD)
Tiny Children Wikis (for when it's just Nami and Anka
The Epic Friendship Begins! (7&8)
Wilderness Misadventure (9&10)

6th Grade (After When the meet Nagi)
after the roller coster

7th Grade (After when they meet Lulu)
First Day of Middle School~Good place to start :)
Neo Hallowed~Nagi's first Halloween with Nami and Anka
Pilgrim Day~Thanksgiving
The First Snow~Their first X-mas

Siblings by Love~Lulu's running start :)
Blood Water and Love~horror story
The Anka Treatment~slightly amusing...could do more
summer stargazing~reflecting on much and kicking off the summer

8th Grade (ages 14&13)
Winter Wonderland~More Christmas stuff!!!
The horrors and cold feet~Nagi *tsks*

9th Grade (ages 15&14)
Into the Spirit~Nami's childlike innocence and spirit are broken *gasp*
the backwards blizzard~Skiing trip
the backwards biology trip~Fun on a beach late at night
hormones aren't cute~After Nami's gone for a week, she and Nagi mysteriously find sensual attractions toward one another
Super Hot Summer~A celebration of Lulu's birthday

10th Grade (ages 16&15)
Nagi ReVamped~Some racy content
Nami the Nymphet~Some racy content
Bloodlines Project~A nifty twist with Nagi's hidden potential
Lucas' Magic Pencil
Blending into the background

11th Grade (ages 17&16)
a very backwards valentine~We've gotta make this sweeter
a very backwards feast~Gotta have something out of the ordinary happen
a very backwards winter holiday series~Gotta ring in the new year somehow
a very backwards Spring Break~Chocolate and no school...what are 4 teens to do?
Lucas and the truth about women
10 things that make you never want to date again
Mistakes Cost Dearly

12th Grade (ages 18&17)
The ole switcharoo~Gotta finish it!
Akira's Magical Pen~Some racy content
magic versus magic~Gotta finish the purse adventure
Nagi's Nickelback obsession~Could use some work
a very backwards halloween~Could be extended
Endless Insomnia~Could be extended
The Background Story
a very backwards fireworks festival~We can definitely make this one more explosive xD
Nami and the long list
The Magic is in the Cards
The space time flux
Backward Snowstorm
Captured by Vampires

(Senior Trip is a def)

College Days
Blood Water and Love II: The Sick Games

Some years later:
Peril in Paradise

Are there any stories we've misplaced?

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2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: what's the evil injury? xD

2010-02-04 [wicked fae mage]: I don't know. Anything with a lot of missing blood may require a transfusion and I think Nagi's B positive. Though I might switch him to O negative and Nami to B positive for the blood type and personality chart

2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: never contemplated Anka's blood type myself xD

2010-02-04 [wicked fae mage]: Well I'll copy and paste the whole chart.

Type A
Best traits Earnest, creative, sensible
Worst traits Fastidious, overearnest

Type B
Best traits Wild, active, doer
Worst traits Selfish, irresponsible

Type AB
Best traits Cool, controlled, rational
Worst traits Critical, indecisive

Type O
Best traits Agreeable, sociable, optimistic
Worst traits Vain, rude

2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: hmm... what does Anka sound like?

2010-02-04 [wicked fae mage]: AB, I'd say. But AB can take AB, A, O and B for a transfusion :)

O can only take O, but O can be given to all blood types.

2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: hmm, well, we've gotta give a reason that one or the other of them would have to give blood to the other...

2010-02-04 [wicked fae mage]: I dunno. It would make sense of an idea I had with Nami having had sex with Nagi, thus having some of his magic and with Anka having traces of Nagi's blood she's carrying some of his magic too...

It came to me last night when I was watching somebody mercilessly beat poor Kurama's unconscious body.

2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: lol, nice xD

2010-02-04 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, the sweat guy. My poor fox boy...

2010-02-04 [Ravendust]: yeah... I remember

2010-03-02 [Ravendust]: think we have ages a little mixed up, unless we're planning continuation after Egypt since they're 17 and 18 by that point...

2010-03-02 [wicked fae mage]: Nagi-December 3rd
Nami-April 3rd

So during the school year they have birthdays.

2010-03-03 [Ravendust]: well, obviously xD

2010-03-03 [wicked fae mage]: I may have it was hard trying to think it all out in my head >.>

2010-03-03 [Ravendust]: they're a year ahead of themselves I think... we can go back over stuff...

2010-03-03 [wicked fae mage]: Maybe, but usually don't late birthdays wait another year?

2010-03-03 [Ravendust]: nope not always.

2010-03-03 [wicked fae mage]: In a few cases though?

2010-03-03 [Ravendust]: can happen :P

2010-03-03 [wicked fae mage]: Well we can work through it all and fix it...just so long as they're not illegally driving...and such...

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